
Jorge Luis Borges - "Circular Ruins" & "The Library of Babel"

Circular Ruins

The circular ruins is the story of a long line of ancient wizards who project the notion of immortality through the art of cloning using some magical rites. An allusion to cloning is strongly supported by the idea that the Adam of the bible is just as imperfect as the Adam being created in the wizards dreams.The word “circular” in the title accurately describes the form that Borges’s story takes. At the end of the story the pieces fall neatly into place: Remembering that the dreamer erased all memories of his beginning from his son's mind, the reader recalls with new understanding the mysterious origin of the dreamer himself.The reader is never told where the dreamer comes from, except that it is upstream. His history is scanted, and he has no idea it is that he knows about the ritual of the fire god, or how he has acquired his magical powers. When the dreamer realizes that he is merely one revolution in a cycle, the reader realizes that the dreamer's memory has been wiped clean by his “father,” just as the dreamer has done for his “son.”

The Library of Babel

A short story yet vast in its attempt as an allegory of the universe. It explains man's endeavors at understanding the complexities of everything ever created, asking where and how and why our existence came about. The infinite hexagonal galleries signify how intense our universe is, and how it is expanding, both in the sense of space and of knowledge.

The library is said to contain everything that has ever been written, and everything that will be written, in all languages both dead and thriving. "The Library is a sphere whose exact center is any one of its hexagons and whose circumference is inaccessible." 

It is also said that man has tried and tried again to find the "circular book," that which is an allegory of God, and that which is a catalog of catalogs, but no man has ever seen this.

I really like the idea of the universe as a library, eternal and infinite. This is one of 阿labyrinth with the "wall" in a different understanding.

